I feel really bad about these since I didn't really take in the references, if you can see I put beards on almost all of these sheep and..they really arn't supposed to haha I stopped myself on of a few though when caught what I was doing. xD;
I still feel like they looked better that way in my opinion D|
Something I did for a Halloween exchange over at DA. This was really fun to work on since its the first time I have tried doing a full painting. I plan to do more pieces like this! I have been inspired lately by other artists painting's specially the ones done by Steven Johnson and Lou Fancher, they are one of my fav.s C:
Here are a few sketches from a couple of months back, finally got to scan them! (B These are concepts of a project I have been working on for about what? 2-3 years now?.. Not nearly close to being done, only because I've been working on it off and on xD; These sketches were tests to see which dogs make the cut haha. So far only the Weimaraner and the rough collie or a definite.
*Edit I've changed the weimaraner to a pitbull seems WAY more fitting, maybe the weimaraner will still be in it~
There is a ton more sketches to scan, the big dogs are coming up next once I have put the sketches together. (: